Uber Lawsuit in Rape Case

Uber Lawsuit for Rape Case Allowed to Continue in Court

Uber Lawsuit About Rape Case Continues

On May 4th a Federal Judge in the Northern District of California denied Uber’s motion to dismiss claims that were filed by two Uber customers. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit seek to hold Uber liable for rapes allegedly committed by Uber drivers. The Judge found that the “plaintiffs have alleged sufficient facts that an employment relationship may plausibly exist.” The Judge went on to state that a finder of fact could determine that an Uber driver “was acting within the scope of his employment where he was summoned using the Uber app, even if the rides were offered and received later that night without the use of the App.”

This case is but one of a number of lawsuits around the country that address Uber drivers’ employment status and Uber’s liability either to third parties or to drivers themselves. The results of this case and other pending Uber lawsuits could have a significant impact on Uber’s liability in rideshare car accident lawsuits, other personal injury cases, and various employment cases.